Let's connect! Don't hesitate to contact our office in Dubai

Category General

If you want to say something nice, talk to Jeroen, want us to host your event, or have anything else you'd like us know?

Please, don't hesitate to send us an e-mail.

For any press related questions, please e-mail to Globally Connected Companies; streets@globally.com.

Streets of the World office Dubai

Globally Connected Companies
Concord Tower, office 1203
Dubai Media City
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
E-mail: streets@globally.com

Streets of the World office Amsterdam

Streets of the World B.V.
Herenmarkt 5-1
1013 EC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail: info@streetsoftheworld.com

We hope to hear from you!

Streets' socials in Dubai

Find us on Facebook @streetoftheworlddubai
Find us on Twitter @SOTWDubai
Find us on Instagram streetsoftheworlddubai



Imagine going to almost two hundred different countries searching the streets for what connects us as human beings.

Jeroen did it in 7 years and brought these streets together in his life's work Streets of the World. As you can imagine that was quite the adventure...

Discover the adventures he encountered in his e-book Streets of the World - the Stories and explore what a street means to society, education, wisdom, youth, experience, happiness, stories, food and so much more.